Dental Landing Pages

landing pages


Do you really need a landing page for your dental office?  That depends on what you are trying to do.  Here at Inception Dental Websites we have clients asking us about landing pages on a regular basis.  About 90% of the time they don't need a landing page for what they are attempting to do, but there are exceptions.

What you'll find is that there are a lot of salesmen out there that want you to buy their products.  They want you to buy them whether it's right for your office or not.  This article will give you some advice on when and where you might need a landing page.

Dental Facebook Landing Pages

If you are getting ready to do paid Facebook Advertising for your dental practice then a landing page might be very appropriate for you.  It's important if you are promoting something like "Dental Implants" that you bring people to a page that if focused on that topic.  Bringing them into your general website may be a bit confusing and cause them to leave your site.

That being said you can have landing pages outside of your website or you can have them as internal pages inside of your main Dental Website.  Many of our clients have us build them internal topic specific landing pages that are actually fancy internal pages of their main website.  The advantage of doing it this way is that all the paid traffic is coming into your main site which can help its overall rank.

Where You Don't Need a Landing Page

Some consultants will tell you that you should have landing pages for every topic you want to rank for.  The idea here is that somehow people will find those pages and then give you their email so you can target market them.  This is a pipe dream that almost always fails.  The dentist ends up spending lots of money on a bloated system that fails.

If you are going to build a landing page you have to have a way to drive traffic to it.  Just building the page is only part of the equation, and most consultants fail to fill you in on the traffic driving part.

If you would like more information about landing pages for your dental office feel free to give us a call.  We are happy to work though it with you.

CLICK HERE for additional dental marketing ideas.